The McDonald’s Texas Invitational tournament is proud to celebrate it’s 21st Anniversary in 2024! This event is co-hosted by the Education Foundations at Deer Park ISD and Pasadena ISD in an effort to raise funds for Teacher Grants. As a result, over $200,000 has been raised for the Deer Park Education Foundation. We are thankful for the community’s support and both the volunteers and sponsors who help to make this event a huge success.
The McDonald’s Texas Invitational Basketball Tournament is one of the largest high school basketball tournaments in the nation. Manned with over 450 volunteers, ten gyms in Pasadena and Deer Park are energized with eighty teams from around the state. The tournament is held the Thursday, Friday and Saturday before Thanksgiving each year. Make plans to attend and enjoy some phenomenal basketball.
Become a sponsor of this year’s tournament. Click here to download the sponsor form.
Volunteer at this year’s event Click here to volunteer.