Check out the photo gallery of current and past grant projects. Click a project to open the gallery of pictures and then click a picture to open the slideshow.
High School Students participated in hands-on stations that introduced them to several career choices in the soft trades areas of: Electrician, Plumber, Phlebotomist, Process Technician, and Customer Service Representative. The students were given packets and reference cards to help them pursue a career in the areas they experienced.
Students at the Early Childhood Center were treated to fun in a man-made pile of snow. For many students, this was their first time to experience the icy fun. The students enjoyed building snowmen, making snow angels and having snowball fights. The teachers used the opportunity to teach sensory and motor skills to the students.

Junior High students were taken on a canoe boat tour of the Galveston coastline where they took pictures of marine life. Then the students used their photos as inspiration to create paintings in art class. The artwork was placed on display near the cafeteria for all the students and staff to enjoy.
Family Consumer Science classes learned how to make pasta noodles from scratch. The grant funded the mixers, pasta presses and supplies to make the meal. The students prepared their meal and enjoyed eating the yummy spaghetti and sharing it with campus staff. Many students remarked on how easy it was to make pasta from scratch and that it tasted better too.
DPEF and Shell Deer Park partnered to sponsor student field trips to the San Jacinto Monument. During their trip, student were able to view historical artifacts from the Battle of San Jacinto, watch a movie and explore the special exhibit, BIG ENGERY: A Texas Tale of People Powering Progress which highlighted Shell’s connection to the history of Deer Park, the state of Texas and national news. This was a wonderful opportunity for 7th grade students who study Texas history in Social Studies class.